Sometimes the most difficult part of evangelization is knowing where to begin. To take the first step, this page includes some helpful resources that will give you practical ideas and guidance. That being said, evangelization should not be overly complicated. The heart of evangelization is living a life where you love and follow Jesus Christ and his Church and you share him with others. Sharing how the Lord has worked in your life is often the most effective form of evangelization.
One of the most effective ways to evangelize is to share the Lord's work in our lives with others. We call this your testimony. When we encounter the love, mercy, and goodness of God, our response should be that others would experience that same joy and forgiveness from the Lord. We don't need to take special classes to learn how to share Jesus with others. We just need to be aware of what he has done for us and be ready to share those experiences with others.
The creator of the universe who holds everything into existence cares about you and loves you. Reflecting on this moves our hearts to gratitude. Our testimonies reveal to others the love God shows us.
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds."
-Psalm 9:1
If you've never done so, spend time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit, "Please reveal to me how you've been at work in my life. Help me to recognize those times and to grow in gratitude for them. Thank you Father for your plan for my life."
There are several different types of testimonies. The first is your overall faith journey which covers:
Each of us is called to a lifelong process of conversion and growth in holiness, but this testimony focuses on the most profound turning point in your life. A moment when you repented from sin, received healing, and/or you experienced the Love of God in a way that it changed the course of your life.
You might be thinking, "I haven't had a moment like that." If that's the case, spend time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to your heart how he's been at work in your life. It might be that your faith journey was a gradual process of growing in your faith and there was no profound singular moment that changed the course of your life. That is ok! That gradual deepening of your faith is your testimony!
Another type of testimony is when you focus on a particular moment of conversion, step in your faith journey, or a grace. For example, you might have a brief testimony on encountering the forgiveness of God in confession or a time when you felt profoundly united to Christ receiving the Eucharist at Mass.
"God moments" in our lives can happen at any time. On the school bus. In a cubicle. Walking down the street. At an AA meeting. Gazing upon your baby as she peacefully sleeps. You might have a brief testimony of an experience of hope, experiencing God's love, forgiveness, or healing. God is present to us always and is continually at work.
It doesn't need to be an hour long presentation. In fact, the most effective testimonies are only a few minutes long. The goal is to share your testimony with others and it's easier to work into conversation if you have brief testimonies. Every so often you might have the change to share in depth your faith journey, but most often you only have a few minutes or less.
"For what we preach is not ourselves,
but Jesus Christ as Lord."
-2 Corinthians 4:5
This booklet is a perfect place to begin if you are looking for a practical, doable, and unintimidating introduction to sharing your faith with others.
The booklet was written by Msgr. Thomas J. Richter from the Diocese of Bismarck originally as a bulletin series for his parishioners to overview the basic components of evangelization and how it is not complicated or as intimidating as we sometimes make it. With a foundation of prayer, Msgr. Richter lays out a doable and practical approach to evangelization
Copies of Integrated Evangelization can be purchased through the Diocese of Fargo for $1.
[W]ordless witness … always remains insufficient, because even the finest witness will prove ineffective in the long run if it is not explained, justified—what Peter called always having your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope you have within you.”
-Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi 21–22; see 1 Peter 3:15